AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Doris Lessing and Her Literary Career1.2 Sufic Transcendence and Its Impact on Lessing’s Work1.3 Plot Summary and Literature Review of The Golden Notebook1.4 The Purpose of the ThesisChapter Two Failure to Transcend Identity Construction2.1 Political Identity: the Frustration of a Communist2.1.1 Sense of Being Betrayed Due to Increasing Bureaucratization2.1.2 Recognition of Mental Narrowness Due to Doctrinarism2.1.3 Confusion and Depression of the Practice2.2 Public identity: the Alienation of a Writer2.2.1 Gaps between Art and Reality2.2.2 Limitation of the Social Background2.2.3 Refusal to Grow beyond the Past Stage2.3 Gender Identity: the Contradiction of a Female2.3.1 Strain between Being a Lover and Being a Mother2.3.2 Struggles to Be A “Free Woman”Chapter Three Attempts to Transcend Self Healing3.1 Attempts in Maintaining Interior Equilibrium3.1.1 Self Evolution with Inner Reflection3.1.2 Sufi Equilibrium within the Individual3.2 Attempts in Maintaining Exterior Equilibrium3.2.1 Encouragement and Simulations from Exterior Impact3.2.2 Sufi Equilibrium of the Individual and Society3.3 Attempts in Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium3.3.1 The Treatment from the Psychiatrist3.3.2 Sufi Dynamic EquilibriumChapter Four Transcendence of Final Transformation as a Sufi4.1 Descent to Naked Self4.1.1 Re-examination of the Nature4.1.2 Abandonment of Social Roles4.2 Ultimate Salvation for Wholeness4.2.1 Elimination of the Fragments4.2.2 Integration of the Individual4.3 Self Development in Sufism4.3.1 New Mode of Thinking4.3.2 New Equilibrium in Practical LifeChapter Five ConclusionBibliography
标签:苏非主义论文; 精神崩溃论文; 自治论文; 超然性论文; 平衡论文;