摘要AbstractContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Overview1.1.1 An Overview of Company Profiles1.1.2 Rationale and Significance of the Present Study1.1.3 Data Collection and Research Method1.1.4 Specific Research Questions1.2 Outline of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Clarification of Some Related Terms2.1.1 Fuzziness2.1.2 Generality2.1.3 Ambiguity2.2 Previous Studies on Vagueness2.2.1 Philosophical Perspective2.2.2 Semantic Perspective2.2.3 Psychological Perspective2.2.4 Pragmatic Perspective2.3 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Working Definition of Vague Language3.2 Cooperative Principle and Vagueness3.3 Relevance Theory and Vagueness3.3.1 Relevance Theory3.3.2 Loose Talk—A Referential Approach to Vagueness3.4 SummaryChapter Four Analysis of Vagueness from the Cooperative Principle4.1 Approximating Quantities with Numbers and Approximators4.2 Approximating Quantities with Round Numbers4.3 Approximating Quantities with Non-numerical Vague Quantifiers4.4 SummaryChapter Five Analysis of Vagueness from the Relevance Theory5.1 Approximating Quantities with Numbers and Approximators5.2 Approximating Quantities with Round Numbers5.3 Approximating Quantities with Non-numerical Vague Quantifiers5.4 SummaryChapter Six Pragmatic Functions of Vague Languge in Company Profiles6.1 Tailoring the Amount of Information6.2 Making Language More Persuasive6.3 Coping with the Lack of Specific Information6.4 Strengthening the Credibility of the Company6.5 Being EmphaticChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Major Findings7.2 Limitations of the Present Study7.3 Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliographyAcknowledgementAppendix: Sample Sources
标签:模糊语言论文; 网络公司简介论文; 合作原则论文; 关联理论论文; 语用分析论文;