摘要AbstractIntroductionLiterature ReviewCHAPTER 1 Regulations and the Implementing Rules1.1 The Importance of the Regulations and the Implementing Rules1.2 The Necessity of a Theoretical and Systematic Review of the TranslationCHAPTER 2 Functional Equivalence Theory and Legal Translation2.1 Functional Equivalence Theory2.1.1 Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory2.1.2 Nida's "Response"is in Broad Sense which emphasize"Understanding"2.2 Feasibility Study2.2.1 The Possibility to Apply FE Theory to Translation Practice2.2.2 The Possibility to Estimate the Readers'Response2.3 The Special Requirement of Legal Translation2.4 FE Theory's Application in Legal Translation2.4.1 Whether FE Theory is Restricted to Bible Translation2.4.2 The Similarities between Bible Translation and Legal TranslationCHAPTER 3 Translation Techniques to Achieve Equivalent Reader's Response3.1 Lexical Techniques3.1.1 Use of Archaic Words3.1.2 Idiomatic Expressions3.1.3 Use of Synonyms3.1.4 Use of Preposition3.1.4.1 Translation of the Name of Regulations with"关于"3.1.5 Use of Formal Words3.1.6 A High Frequency of"Any"3.2 Syntactic Techniques3.2.1 Use of Passive Voice3.2.1.1 Translation of the Chinese Passive Sentence with such particles as"由"、"受"、"经",etc into English Passive Voice3.2.1.2 Translation of Chinese Active Voice without Subject into English Passive Voice3.2.2 Translation of"……的"Structure into English3.2.2.1 Translation of the Fixed Sentence Pattern by Using"-ing" Translation of Sentence with Post-attribute3.2.3 Use of Negative SentencesCHAPTER 4 Translation Defects and Mistakes in Achieving Equivalent Reader's Response4.1 Defects and Mistakes in Lexical Aspect4.1.1 Nouns and Phrases4.1.1.1 Technical Terms4.1.1.2 Lexical Mistakes-Singular or Plural Form4.1.2 Verb Phrase4.1.3 Conjunctions4.1.4 Prepositions4.1.5 Articles4.2 Defects and Mistakes in Syntactic Aspect4.2.1 Improper Treatment in Word Order and Sentence Structure4.2.2 Improper Treatment of Conjunction4.2.3 Disorder of Subject and Predicate4.3 Defects and Mistakes in Stylistic Aspect-Inconsistency4.4 Other Semantic Defects-Loss of MeaningConclusionBibliography
标签:功能对等论文; 等效翻译论文; 读者反应论文; 法律翻译论文;