Synopsis摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Reasons for choosing the subject1.1.1 The importance of introduction1.1.2 The importance of conclusion1.1.3 Development of transitivity theory in Functional Grammar1.1.4 Significance of the study1.2 Goal of the dissertation1.3 Outline of the dissertationChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous study of Texts2.2 Previous study of environmental texts2.3 Previous study of transitivity2.4 Traditional grammar’s view on transitivity and its limitationsChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Three Metafunctions of SFG3.2 Halliday’s transitivity system in SFG3.2.1 Transitivity3.2.2 Six processes of transitivity3.2.2.1 Material process3.2.2.2 Mental process3.2.2.3 Relational process3.2.2.4 Verbal process3.2.2.5 Existential process3.2.2.6 Behavioral process3.2.2.7 Evaluations3.2.3 Other participants—beneficiary and range3.2.4 Circumstantial elements3.2.4.1 Extent and location3.2.4.2 Manner3.2.4.3 Cause3.2.4.4 Contingency3.2.4.5 Accompaniment3.2.4.6 Role3.2.4.7 Matter3.2.4.8 Angle3.2.4.9 Summary of circumstantial elements3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Analysis of Data in Introductions and Conclusions4.1 Data collection4.1.1 Data of processes4.1.2 Data of participants4.1.3 Data of circumstantial elements4.2 Analysis of processes4.2.1 Material process4.2.2 Mental process4.2.3. Relational process4.2.4 Behavioral process4.2.5 Verbal process4.2.6 Existential process4.2.7 Summary of Processes4.3 Analysis of participants4.3.1 Actor and goal4.3.2 Senser and phenomenon4.3.3 Participants of relational process4.3.4 Behaver4.3.5 Sayer, receiver and verbiage4.3.6 Existent4.3.7 Range4.3.8 The beneficiary4.3.9 Summary of Participants4.4 Analysis of circumstantial elements4.4.1 Extent4.4.2 Location4.4.3 Manner4.4.4 Cause4.4.5 Contingency4.4.6 Accompaniment4.4.7 Role4.4.8 Matter4.4.9 Angle4.4.10 Summary of circumstantial elementsChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Conclusion of processes5.2 Conclusion of participants5.3 Conclusion of circumstantial elementsBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
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